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Yakov (Yankel) Tunkel (later Banai) and Moshe Tunkel ice skating in Baranovich before the war



The only photograph of my grandparent's wedding. It is taken in the forests south of Baranovichi during the war, when they were both with the Partisans


May 4, 1924 Baranovichi
(`Jewish Daily Forward' Yiddish caption) "Mrs. Royakh, a well-known
housewife of Baranowicze, pulls the pot out of the oven Friday
afternoon to see if the `kugl' [traditional Sabbath pudding] turned
out right."


Members of the He - Chaluts movement from a pioneering training
commune (kibbutz hachshara) of the "Shachariya" bloc in Baranowice,
who worked in a sawmill 1933.


Nov. 4, 1923 Baranovichi
The town rabbi, Velvl Mayer Sheynberg


Baranovichi ;
On the grass at the side of a wooden house, while "On tour with
students" (Yiddish inscription): David Herman, actor and director of
the Vilna Troupe (seated far right), his wife Sarah[next to him] ; and
(unidentified) drama students. City Photographer Weltman, Pinja


Members of the He - Chaluts movement from a pioneering training
commune (kibbutz hachshara) of the "Shachariya" bloc in Baranowice,


Members of the He - Chaluts movement from a pioneering training
commune (kibbutz hachshara) of the "Shachariya" bloc in Baranowice.


Young women, members of the "Shachariya" pioneering training
commune (kibbutz hachshara) of the He - Chaluts movement division in
Baranowice. Before World War II


Members of the "Shachariya" pioneering training commune (kibbutz
hachshara) of the He - Chaluts movement division in Baranowice.


Laundry day in the pioneering training commune (kibbutz hachshara)
of the He - Chaluts movement in Baranowice


A group of members of the He - Chaluts organization and the
Freiheit youth movement in Baranowice.


A morning roll call assembly at a camp for Ha - Shomer ha -
Tsa'ir youth movement counselors in Baranowice.


Members of the "La - Matarah" (Hebrew: To the Target) older
members' group of the He - Chaluts ha - Tsa'ir youth movement in


Members of the He - Chaluts ha - Tsa'ir youth movement's branch in


A meeting of He - Chaluts ha - Tsa'ir youth movement members in
the Baranowice region.


A meeting of He - Chaluts ha - Tsa'ir youth movement members in
Baranowice, taking leave of their comrade M. Gulowicki who was
emigrating to Palestine.


Ester - Rachel Kaminska, a renowned Yiddish stage actress, during a
performance in Baranowice. Before World War II.


he staff of the Jewish library in Baranowice. Before World War II


The "shtibl" of the Slonim Chasidim in Baranowice. Before World War


ewish firefighters in Baranowice. Before World War II


Members of the "Shachariya" Zionist pioneering training group of
the He - Chaluts movement in Baranowice Before World War II - credit;
Moshe Bogomolski


The "Red Scouts" group of the He - Chaluts ha - Tsa'ir youth movement in Baranowice


A group of youth counselors of the Freiheit youth movement in Baranowice.


Leib Leon Arie PRUSZINOWSKI. Baranovichi, Belarus / USSR KOORDYNACJA
. According to the aunt's testimony, Leib's most likely birth date is
17 February 1939. Will it be possible to locate the birth certificate
in Baranovichi?

Leib does not remember his father, but he would very much like to know
what happened to his father in the Red Army.

Leib knows extremely little about his mother. After all, Sonia was
from Baranovichi, and the two surviving paternal aunts, now deceased,
were from Stolbtsy. What information can be found about his mother and
her family from Baranovichi?
for more information go to;



Baranowice Cemetery

Все изображения  http://www.eilatgordinlevitan.com/baranowice/baranowice.html

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